Going hoopy!

I’ve been learning embroidery over the last few months and I’m really enjoying it!  I love the fact that you start with a blank piece of fabric and can create a piece of art!  I’ve started to design my own hoops and have so many ideas I’ll never turn them all into finished hoops but that’s not a bad thing!

I thought I’d share the hoops I’ve finished so far in the rough order I made them.  I began using lots of felt and simple stitches, but as my confidence increased and I got better at a range of stitches I’ve become a bit more ambitious with my stitching

I’m planning to open a little Etsy shop online in the next couple of weeks to sell my patterns (I’ve written up my hare hoop as a pattern with photos and stitching instructions).  I’ll post on here once I’ve opened!  And then, when things settle down with the current Covid crisis I’ll also start to sell some of my finished hoops.

Some of the photos aren’t the best quality as they were taken on my phone and/or indoors on dull days!

Pretty flamingo hoop – remember the brilliant Manfred Mann song? (6 inch)


Fox hoops – not quite finished! (6 inch)




‘Freedom on the hills’ hoops (also know as my Hilly Hoops!)

All 6 inch and inspired by a beautiful quote in one of Alfred Wainwright’s walking guides.


A loveliness of ladybirds (4 inch)

Part of a stitching challenge on Instagram – the prompt was the quote from Jane Austen’s Emma “She is loveliness itself”.  As the collective noun for ladybirds is a loveliness I chose to embroider them around the words…


Little spring cottage hoop (4 inch)

I will be writing this one up as a pattern for my Etsy shop.


The joys of springing – hare hoop (6 inch)

This will be the first pattern available in my Etsy shop during May 2020!


Flower Power hoop (6 inch)

This was also part of the Instagram stitching challenge with the prompt being ‘florals’.  The pattern will be available in my Etsy shop this summer.  I enjoyed making and adding the 3D extras (her bag and necklace)!



Cobblers Crafts logo

Last but not least I stitched myself a little logo (4 inch hoop)



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